Sunday, September 4, 2011


We got word this week that Bethany is betrothed.  Hard to believe our youngest daughter is the first to catch the eye of a handsome young man and receive an offer of marriage.  

The boy in question is one of their little buddies at Little Bears.  We've heard about "K" before, usually in adoring tones and usually about his mad dancing skills.  I've met K and agree that he's a cutie.  Little did I know that underneath the golden curls and sweet smile dwelt the heart of a Romeo.

Apparently Abigail was a close second choice, with K announcing that he wanted to marry both Doepken girls.  Bethany put her foot down, however, and told him he could only choose one of them.  And somehow, she managed to be the one.  

I'll keep you all posted on when the big day will be.  Sometime closer to 2036, I hope!