Well, not in Girdwood yet. Even though the field, in the last month, has gone from this:
to this:
Moriah started baseball practices a couple of weeks ago, first inside (snow) and then at a field about 15 minutes away (that snow finally melted). Finally, today, in Girdwood, in gorgeous sunshine. The first game in Girdwood will be this coming Monday, I believe.
Her first game was on the 10th, and her team lost. By a lot. Which is kinda typical. Girdwood kids play in the Anchorage Little League but the team for Girdwood is put together in a very different way. As in pretty much any kid who wants to play, does. We usually have just enough kids come out for the teams and Girdwood now has a minor, major and junior team.
Moriah is one of the pitchers and the only lefty pitcher on her team. She does pretty well and on that first game day threw some good, solid strikes. She also threw hard enough at one point that her catcher shook his hand back and forth and said "ow". Moriah also was the first kid on her team in about four innings to hit a ball in fair territory. She was out at first, but she hit it.
Moriah's team (the Giants) hasn't won a game yet. But that hasn't stopped great hitting and great fielding from the team. (but I'm only going to share about Moriah, dontcha know) In one play, Moriah struck out a batter and her catcher lost the ball, encouraging the opposing team's kid on third base to try to steal home. Moriah ran home and tagged the runner out. A sort of double play all on her own. In another game, she caught a ball at the pitcher's mound and then threw the runner out at first.
Saturday was opening day and the Girdwood kids played really well. The game was fairly close and we went into the fourth inning a few runs behind. Moriah was first at bat and got a good hit (double). Then other kids followed up with excellent steals, hits and runs and they were up by one. Because the end of the 4th inning was also the two-hour mark, I thought they'd call the game and we'd have a win. Nope. They decided to play one more inning. And we ended up losing. (*wah*) Moriah was also the first up in that inning and got another double. Before she went up to bat, I said should try for another double. Of course, she thought I was nuts and said it wouldn't happen again. But, it did! What's the saying? "Told ya so!" :o) It was a beautiful, solid hit. She ended up having a three-hit game and pitched pretty well too.
This kid *loves* baseball (and her Red Sox). Gets completely charged up on game days and feels losses fairly acutely. She aspires to be the first woman in the major leagues and is quite indignant over the fact that she likely will not be allowed to try out for baseball in high school, since there is a softball team.
We have a few more weeks of games and I so look forward to watching my kid play.