Wednesday, January 28, 2009


That is Susannah's winning word for the Girdwood School spelling bee today. She has been a class 'representative' for the last three years and this year won for the elementary grades (3-6). Susannah will be competing on March 4 in the state-wide Bee in Anchorage, so she has a month or so to try to learn to spell all sorts of words. If you have any great lists of hard words for her to learn, send them our way!

Moriah took third place, missing the word renovate. She was pretty nervous before the school bee (the first time she's been in it) and was pleased with how well she did. Both girls are quite good spellers and have out-spelled their older brother for the last several years. Samuel is a great reader and has a huge vocabulary...he just can't spell some of the big words he uses. Or some of the small ones.

Now for a walk down memory lane...I too was a good speller (still am I suppose). I won the spelling bee at my school when I was in sixth grade and competed in the county bee. My glory was short-lived, however, when I was given the word flivver. Do you know what it means? Neither did I (click the link to see!). It rhymed with river, so I spelled it with one 'v'. Buzz! Wrong! It was fun while it lasted.

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